Saturday, June 9, 2012

Under Estimating God

How many times have you been guilty of that? Hundreds if not thousands of times. We find ourselves in a fix and we just do not see what God could do to either get us out or get us through it. The Lord really challenged me on this one last Sunday. I do not want to admit it, but I find myself doing the same thing...wondering "God can you really get me through this?" I immediately get remorseful for even thinking such a thing...for under-estimating His power that is at work in my life. I have to remind myself that He has never once failed me. He has never once treated me harshly. He has and will always have my best interest at heart. He has always been faithful to fulfill His word. So what am I to do in the meantime? I read a quote this week that said that "Everyday has the possibility of a miracle.". In 1 Corinthians 15:58, Paul exhorts us to "be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord." So I need to stop wondering...stop allowing self to be moved in my faith...and start moving and getting busy with my assignment. And while I'm faithful, God will be faithful. So every day I need to be expecting God to come through for me. We have all heard the adage that "expectation is the breeding ground for miracles." Well, what are you expecting? Will you continue to underestimate God's goodness and faithfulness to you or will you wake up each day expecting God to make a way? That is what I purpose in my heart to do each day...expectantly wait for God to move on my behalf. I trust that is what you will do! Facing Forward, Stan

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