Monday, May 21, 2012

How do you deal with Frustration?

We are certainly in the "last of" of the last days.  In 44 years of living, I have never observed things as bad as they are today.  Virtually every kind of evil is out there.  And the enemy is using every tactic to frustrate and hinder the work that God is doing in Christians today. 

Frustration is one of those tactics used.  When you read the word "frustration", you immediately know what I was talking about.  You probably have been dealing with a great deal of it lately, as have I.  Frustration of your circumstances.  The inability to change that which you do not like.  Frustration in finances, health and marriage, and the challenges of raising children.  Job situations that seem unalterable.  These are all legitimate frustrations.  However,  the enemy uses them to get us off focus of what God wants to do in and through us. 

Wishing and hoping that circumstances were different, that people would change is downright insanity.    It will drive you crazy if you continue to stay frustrated with those things.  Because most of the time, you cannot change any of them.  The only one you can change is you.  Some one in ministry told me a long time ago that "people will do jolly-well what they want to do".  And its true.  The only circumstance or person that is "changeable" is my circumstance or me.  I can change me, my attitude, my direction, my actions.  Because what I want to do, I usually do.

So how does one deal with the insane frustrations of this life, without allowing the enemy to rob you of what God is doing in you?  Here is what I have learned: 
  • This life is not about me.  Its about others. 
    • I have learned this over the years.  When I was a young child, it was all about me, what I wanted/needed, or where I was going in life.  Now its about what God wants of me first, and then my responsibility to my wife, children, and family.  I am simply a facilitator for the things of God in the lives of others.  So I must take "me" out of the equation.
  • The only person that I can change is me.
    • What I set my focus on can be accomplished.  In other words, if I want to change it, I can.  The scripture bares this out in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  And then again in Matthew 19:26, "with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."  It is always possible for me to change.
  • Jesus never changes. 
    • I must find my rest in this.  God is solid.  He knows me, loves me and will never leave me.  He has my best interest at heart.  In my weakness, I must rest in His strength.  In my ignorance, I must rest in His great knowledge and wisdom.
  • I rest in the faithfulness of God.
    • Hebrews 10:23 is one of my favorites:  "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for He is faithful that promised."  God will be faithful to me.  He has proven that over and over in my life.  Life will let me down, but He never will.  Also, 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful, He cannot deny Himself.
Focusing your mind on these things, can reduce the level of frustration. Focusing on God's faithfulness, and strength is a comfort far beyond what anything else can bring you.  So in the midst of your frustration, keep these 4 things in mind.  Hope they help you today!

Facing Forward,

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