Friday, July 27, 2012

What Should We Do?

We should not be surprised that the Christian faith is being attacked. We are being suppressed and ridiculed for standing up for the principles of the scriptures.

Reason being that God's word hurts! It cuts, divides, and opens up the sin in every area of our lives. And people do not like or want that. They want to be left alone to do, say and think what they want. They think as long as they don't think about or talk about will just take care of itself. But I am sorry to say that they are so wrong. We have to deal with our sin.

In John the Baptist's day, he was not popular preaching the repentance message. And let us remember that John did not look like everyone else either. Furthermore, in Jesus' days on the earth, they did not like His message of the kingdom either. And look what they did to Him.

We must remember what the word of God says, that in the last days perilous times will come. That there will be those that refuse to receive or even hear the message of Jesus.

That being said, what should believers do? We should continue to boldly stand up for what is right, fearlessly be an example as Jesus was, and consistently tell the message of Jesus everywhere we go. After all, we have the assurance that God's word will prevail!

Facing Forward,

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