Have you ever had the feeling that you were alone? Like nobody understands you or even wants to try to understand you. It is very unsettling isn't it? To the Christian, we feel like God has moved...changed His address and we are unable to locate Him.
We spend most waking minutes of the day trying to be included and feel a part of something bigger than we are. We try to escape those awkward feelings of loneliness and quiet. Someone once said that you can be in a room full of people and yet still feel all by yourself. Its true. I have experienced that many times.
We have all experienced it in this life. It is no stranger to anyone. Loneliness can occur in any season of our lives. Question is, did God really move? Has His address changed?
Absolutely not! He is God that resides in heaven, yet in our hearts, and everywhere in the world...for He is omnipresent. The psalmist reminds us in chapter 139 that there is no where we can go from His presence. There is no place too high or valley too deep that we could escape the presence of almighty God!
At the times that you are feeling the loneliest, He is the closest. I remember a song I sang years ago that says "He's as close as the mention of His name". So, rest in that today. You are not alone. God did not move and forget to leave a forwarding address. He is right by your side. As close as the breath out of your mouth..."Jesus"...He is right there. You do not have to stay lonely today. Call on Him and He will reach out to you wherever you are.
Facing Forward!
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