Friday, December 10, 2010

Year in Review!

I just have to write it "out loud"....Merry Christmas to all!  Wow!  How time has flown by.  Its hard to believe that 2011 is almost here.  I remember watching tv shows when I was a little boy about "the future" years of 1999 and the 21st century.  Well, 1999 has come and gone and look where we are now.

I cannot let a year go by without reflecting on the goodness of God.  I have certainly known the love of my Heavenly Father this year, and felt His sustaining hand underneath me.  To say this year was full of challenges would be an understatement.  But God has seen us through them and I have learned in the process. 

I am such a blessed man.  I have a beautiful family.  December 28th, Ketrah and I will celebrate 14 years together.  She is an answer to a prayer that I prayed beginning when I was a young boy.  I asked the Lord to send me someone that loved Him first and most, and had a heart for ministry.  Ketrah is the embodiment of all that and more.  She has a heart that listens to God...sometimes hearing Him speak when I'm too hard-
headed.  She brings such a balance to me...making up for so many of my weaknesses.

Ketrah is such a loving wife and mother.  She has the qualities of my own mom.  I have watched, through the years, as my mom devoted herself to loving and caring for my dad, and me and my brother when we were in the home.  Ketrah is so much like her in that regard.  Me and the kids are well taken care of.  She is a "crown" to my head.

My children are another blessing.  To watch them live out each day, causes many flashbacks of my childhood.  I can sometimes remember how they might feel or what they might be thinking in a given situation, and it helps me help them better.  I have seen God's hand on their lives this year.  They all are such individual in their talents and ways, but single-minded in their love for God.  After all...its a way of life for us.

Karsyn Sutley Holley graced our presence this year in June.  What a doll she is!  She is daddy's little girl!  I just love watching her grow.  It will not be long and she will be loving Jesus right along with her family!

My heritage is another thing that I am grateful for.  I am blessed to still be in the company of my mom and dad. They have taught me well.  I am doing what I love because of their consistency and tenacity when times were tough.  I have watched them walk with God and love Him more every day.  One of the things that I have noticed, in the midst of my dad's illness, is that when it comes to praying...he can still pray like no other.  I cannot express how happy that makes me feel to know that even in the midst of illness, that nothing can hinder his relationship with God.  God's word promises us that..."who can separate us from the love of God?"  I am thankful for God's hand on mom and dad as they are walking through a season of difficulty with dad's illness.  I have seen God shine His grace and mercy on them even in the midst of the darkness. 

I am so thankful for my brother, Frank, and all of his family.  I love them and appreciate what a great husband and father he is...and an example of Christ.  They too, have a great love for God and have remained faithful to Him all these years.  That is the heritage that I am talking about!

I have great in-laws too!  Ferron and Brenda Smith...what a blessing they are to me.  They are consistent examples of how to live for Christ and how to love family! 

I am grateful for friends.  I have reconnected with so many old friends this year.  Facebook and the social media has allowed me that opportunity. I thank God for the people He brought in my who helped me through the years.  I could name names, but the list would be too long.  Just let me say "thank you" for your faithfulness and help. 

It has been a great year of ministry.  I am grateful for every opportunity I have had to preach and teach the gospel.  God has blessed our church and is pouring His spirit out on us.  There is so much to do, and I feel like we have just scratched the surface of it.  But, God will help us! 

I look with anticipation to what God has in store for us in 2011!  I heard it said that "expectation is the breeding ground for miracles."  I am expecting, so I am sure I will not be disappointed.

To sum 2010 up...God is faithful!

Facing Forward!


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