Monday, October 11, 2010

Seek His Heart

I read a blog the other day that sparked some soul-searching inside of me.  It left me convicted.  What do I seek of the Lord the most...His heart or His hand?  I have to say that I have been guilty of seeking what God can and will do as opposed to just being in His presence.  I am sure that I am not alone.

Matthew 6:33 says to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." 

I remember when I was a little boy, way back when the earth was young...I always wanted something from Mom and Dad.  If it wasn't the latest toy, it was a burger from McDonalds on a Sunday night following church.  If it wasn't food, then it was to go somewhere of my choosing.  And later in the teen was the almighty dollar.  Someone once said that I had my hands in my dad's pockets all the time. 

Flash forward many years later, and the thing that I want most of my Mom and Dad today is just to simply be with them.  I find myself not asking anything of them, not hoping for something other than the privilege and honor of sitting with them and listening to their voices...really hearing their hearts.  They are full of such wisdom, grace and understanding.  And they love to be with me, as much as I love to be with them.

It seems that the opportunities are few and far between to see them, and I usually feel so guilty that I do not see them more...but I love to be in their presence...the times that God affords me with them.  I have to make the time...I have to fight obstacles of schedules, obligations, and problems.  But no greater gift that they could give to me or that I could give to myself than the gift of their presence.

It is the same way with my heavenly Father.  The word tells us, and Im paraphrasing..."when I was a child, I spoke as child, but when I am became a man, I put away childish things."  I am certainly not saying that we cannot ask God to do things for us.  He is our daddy and He wants to do good things for His kids.  But lets not remain a child spiritually.  There is so much more to God than what we experience sometimes.

I appreciate so much more now, the early morning hours of being awakened and in the presence of God.  There is not much of a formalized agenda, no real hurry, and usually it begins with a hot cup of coffee for me.  But I just sit with God and think about Him...not asking for anything, not wishing He would do this or that...but just being present and listening to His heart.  There is not a peace to be found like the peace one can find of being with the Father.    

What are you seeking of Him, His heart or His hand?

Facing Forward!

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