Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What We Owe!

I was reading a devotion this morning, and was reminded ever so pointedly, that I owed a debt that I could not pay.  It was a debt to justice.  We do not like to think of it using that term...justice...but that is exactly what is was.  We were sinners and required justice, a price more than you and I could have ever taken on.  

Simply put...I am so thankful that God did not give me what I deserved, but He gave me His very best instead...Jesus Christ!  No man or woman will ever be good enough or work hard enough to earn that kind of response to their sin.  One must simply accept the gift of forgiveness, and embrace the One who paid that debt for you.

So as Spurgeon put it so eloquently...we are debtors no longer to justice but to God's infinite mercy!  No longer required to offer sacrifices or burnt offerings for sin, no longer having to walk around under the guilt and condemnation of all of the bad things done, never feeling like we quite do enough or are good enough.  But embracing the opportunity to accept a gift from someone who loves us far more than we ever deserve!  

Accept the gift, embrace your debt to mercy, and live for HIM!

Enjoying Life Today!

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