ITS A GIRL!!! I thought I would share with you that my wife and I found out yesterday that we will be having a little girl in July. We had the ultrasound yesterday to confirm the sex of the baby. Being part of the ultrasound process, and watching those precious images on the screen...I had the thought "how could anyone looking at something as beautiful as this, ever doubt there is a God?"
It boggles my mind because just looking at those pictures and seeing the movements, heartbeat, spine, feet and hands...we are so fearfully and wonderfully made. It brought to mind the scripture in Psalms 139, about how all the parts that make up who we are in a book. That God took careful thought and creativity into you and me. There are no mistakes when it comes to what He made. Looking at those pictures yesterday...all I saw was God's perfection.
Looking at my wife as she was laying there on the table during the could easily see Jesus in her eyes. A godly woman carrying and nurturing a gift from heaven. I don't think that there is a greater beauty in all the world. I love her more than my own life. What more can be said than that?
I thank God today because I don't deserve His goodness to me. My children and my wife are yet another extension of His goodness and His belief in me. He has entrusted me with so much. I just pray I will be a godly influence on them. That they see Jesus in me. I that I can extend as much grace and love to them and Christ has extended to me.
So my encouragement to you today is to be faithful with what you have been given. He trusts you, He believes in you, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Enjoying Life Today!
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