There are so many choices in life. I think that the older that I get...(no funny comments Eric)...the more difficult that it is for me to make choices. I struggle with a restaurant menu these days. O, I have been to the restaurants a thousand times...but no matter...I just cannot seem to make up my mind on what I want. Should I pick vegetables, or meat, or hamburger, or steak, or eggs, or pancakes....mmmm....I'm making myself hungry already!
I look in my closet, wondering what to wear to work or church, how about khaki pants, or a blue shirt, or these shoes or those shoes. Choices, choices, choices! Life is filled with one choice after another. I tell my kids this all the time. You choose...
But I read a refreshing scripture yesterday morning in my devotion time. Its found in John 15:16 and it says, "You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name." (NLT)
It made me feel so good to be reminded that I was His choice. I was the subject of a decision He made at the beginning of creation. He looked down through the portals of time, saw me, in my sinful condition, in my indecisiveness, and said "I choose you, Stan Holley". be the subject of God's that is something to write about.
So, let me encourage you with this today. He chose you, long before you even existed. He loves you, cares about you, down to the most intimate detail of your life. Through all of the mistakes, bad decisions, hurtful words, and times of running from Him...He still chose you and is patiently waiting for you to choose Him.
He has an appointment for you, a destination, something He wants you to do, some place He wants you to go...and He has given you the power of His son, Jesus Christ, to accomplish it.
You are His Choice!
Enjoying Life Today!
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