Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Matter of Your Heart

It is very difficult not to judge your success by your current circumstances. For those in business it may be the low financial numbers. For those in ministry, it may be the small size of your church or the lack of ministries. And we all know that, regardless of what we do, comparing ourselves to our peers never makes us feel adequate. But it is not wise to judge success on circumstances. For as most things in life, they change. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. 

However, just because circumstances may indicate a lack of success doesn't mean that we are not successful. For the believer, I know that scriptures indicates that our reward will be in heaven. I think that we will be surprised just how well we did when God makes everything known to us on that great day. 

I feel that what is more important than numbers, money, size of company, etc. is what is inside an individual. Samuel, when instructed to anoint a king for God's people, was tempted to choose someone who looked the part. God quickly corrected Samuel by telling him not to look at what was on the outside because God was looking for what was on the inside. "Man looks on the outward appearance, but I look at the heart." (paraphrased) 

Your circumstances may indicate a failure, but what does your heart say? Your heart is what God is concerned with. Do you have a heart that follows after the Lord and His ways? Ask yourself these questions: 

1. Have you made Christ your Lord and Savior? 
2. Are you doing what God has called you to do? 
3. Are you working to the best of your abilities? 
4. Are you faithful? 
5. Are you listening to Him and obeying Him? 

You can be a success regardless of your circumstances. It's a matter of your heart. 

Facing Forward, 

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