The apostle Paul tells us that we need to spur one another on to greater works. Colossians 3 tells us that we need to "teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives."
Encouragement! Where would I be without it. I could take you through all the different times of my life and point out the people that God sent to me to spur me on to greater works. I am here today because God used people to encourage me. I had men and women of God who loved me, showed kindness to me, and gave me opportunities of a lifetime! Seemingly it came just at the right time and sometimes from unexpected people.
James tells that the power of life and death is in the tongue. When God created the earth he spoke life to it as well as breathed life into the first man. We need to speak life into others.
You can turn on any tv channel and hear discouraging things, the latest tragedy, the death of someone, or the failed economy. Corporate america and life in general can kick people in the gut every day. They hear its never good enough, that they dont have what it takes. Or that something is changing. It feels to alot of people
like they will never get ahead. And the more discouragement one feels the easier it is to lose ground and moving backwards. People need to hear encouragement.
It is just like a beautiful horse. How do you get a horse to move forward? In the old cowboy western movies, one of the main features of the cowboy outfit was the spurs on the back of the boots. While seemingly small in feature, the spur was actually one of the most important pieces of equipment. As the cowboy would dig the spur into the side of the horse to "encourage" him to move forward. Otherwise, no ground would gained.
People are the same way, we need prodding at times, a little verbal poke in the side to get us going in the right direction. But I believe that we must do better than that as God's children. We need to speak kind words that will leave them feeling better after we are gone. What does God's word say about people? What would Jesus say to your friend if he were here physically?
Psalm 85:8 says that "the Lord speaks peace to His faithful people"...
He would say that you are the head and not the tail. That all things are possible to them that believe. That you are never alone...even when your feelings tell you otherwise. He would say taste and see that the Lord is good. He would say that there is an escape from the temptation you are facing. He would say greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. He would say I finished it for you so what's the problem!
If Jesus would speak those words...Gods word...why can't we muster up a word of encouragement for our brothers and sisters? Why can't we speak life and peace into situations? Just one word could be the difference of life or death for someone.
Choose to speak encouraging words of life to someone today!
Facing Forward!
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