Monday, April 4, 2011

Power is what makes the difference in life. You know it is not just how good a car looks, but it's how powerful the motor is underneath the hood. The same thing with a has to have a powerful processor, to be worth our time and money.

Our lives are no different . It is the power that is flowing through us that makes the difference. Acts 1:8..."and you shall receive power..." Jesus knew that we would need power to be effective witnesses. To live the life of Christ out in front of people, that's is one of the reasons He promised and sent the Holy Spirit to us.

We need the power of the Holy Spirit desperately! That is what will make the difference in you and your life. Not what you can say or do...but what the power of God can do. See, there will come a time when you will not know what to do or even how to do. Many may already be in that season of their lives. But word of God says of the Holy Spirit that He "leads us and guides us into all truth".

I remember as a kid, my maternal grandmother telling me stories about my grandfather and how they pioneered churches. But the distinguishing part of her stories always included how the power of the Holy Spirit showed up and showed out in their lives and work.

It's time that we stop living and allow the Spirit to live and work through us. We have to decease so that God may increase in us.

Facing Forward!

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